Thursday, 4 October 2012

Beads of Courage

On September 11, 2012 Faith went in for her regular clinic visit. At this visit a lady came into the room and told us that the Alberta Children Hospital had started a new program called Beads of Courage and the Cystic Fibrosis Clinic was the first patients to get to try it out. She was given a necklace with her name and a few beads with a journal as well that read the following:

     BEad you... because nothing can change who you are. No matter what happens, no matter how your body changes as you go through your treatment, YOU will always be YOU. Like your parents, brothers, sisters, friends, nurses, child life specialists, and doctors, Beads of Courage will be here to help you through. You have courage.. BEad YOU!! As your Beads of Courage Collection grows, it will be something you can use to remember and re-tell your unique story of courage. Your story isn't just about what it happening to you, it is about how you are taking control of a tough situation.

This program is designed to help remember Faiths journey with Cystic Fibrosis.
Below is a background on the beads of courage program for those who have not heard about it. If you want to learn more you can go to the website We are so excited to have these boards and think it is a neat idea to track her journey.

Our Mission
Caring for children coping with serious illness, their families and clinicians by helping them to RECORD, TELL and OWN their story of COURAGE through beads.
Our Values
Advance the science of caring; Set and exceed the standards for the psychosocial care of children coping with serious illness; Be a source of support and encouragement-connecting the kindness of others with the Courage of the children we support!
Our History
Jean Baruch, developed the first Beads of Courage, Inc. program while working on her PhD in Nursing at the University of Arizona, College of Nursing. Her inspiration came from her clinical practice and from her experiences as a camp nurse at one of Paul Newman's Hole in the Wall Gang Camps. With the financial support of her family and friends, Jean developed and piloted the Beads of Courage Program at Phoenix Children's Hospital in February 2004.
Today, Beads of Courage, Inc. is providing the Beads of Courage® program in over 140 children’s hospitals throughout the United States, Japan, New Zealand, United Kingdom and Canada. The Beads of Courage® Program has become the standard of care for supporting children and their families during their treatment for cancer and other serious illness. With the encouragement of families, supporters, bead artist community and others, Beads of Courage CANADA was incorporated in 2011 and launched its first program in January 2012. Beads of Courage CANADA was launched with the support and leadership of Executive Director, Victoria Plouffe and the Board of Directors.

Beads of Courage Necklace

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